Welcome to Or Chadash
Shalom and thank you for visiting the Or Chadash website. I hope that you will be able to glean some information about the coaching and consulting services that I provide.
For two decades, I have had the ongoing honor of working with my rabbinic and cantorial colleagues, executive directors, educators, their professional staff, and congregational boards in enhancing their ability to create and implement a shared vision, improve communication skills, understand conflict styles, time management skills, and learn leadership principles. In essence, they have taken the initiative to "Create a Congregation of Excellence and a Congregation of Choice."
Or Chadash consulting services are designed for professional staff and congregations who understand that modern organizational and leadership principles based on Jewish values must be implemented at all levels in a congregation to ensure its future. The joint commitment of the rabbi, cantor, executive director, educator, staff, and board to implementing these ideals of leadership and governance distinguish today's outstanding congregations.
I would be honored to work with you and your congregation so that you can reach new levels of excellence. I invite you to contact me so we can continue this introduction.
Kol Tuv,
Rabbi Steven Kaye